
About Me


My Kitties



Madoka Magica


Welcome to my Glass House!

This little square of the web is a place for me, and for you to peer into.

I'm Whiskers the lord of the house, this is my second time doing code now? I'm self taught and have no hisory with anyting. This site is to house my thoughts, feelings, interests and the like. Therefore this site will be very personal and may contain topics that are unsettling to minors.

Please watch your step and enjoy your stay!

I made this site cause I hate social media, the lack of creative individualism, and the ever-hungry gaping maws of corporations. I want a place to call mine, a footprint to say I existed. That I did something to preserve the fleeing life of anonymity. Also, the majority of the people on Neocities are super cool like let's be friends.

This site isn't dead!! I just have depression. Tbh seeing everyone be so creative and good at coding makes coding offputting just cause you'll never be that good but that's something I gotta bear and stop comparing myself to others. Anyway, lots of stuff needs work and I don't know what I want to do with this site or when I'll get around to doing it.

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